"No femininity": Fans did not appreciate the "honest" photo of Nastya Ivleva without makeup


Blogger and TV presenter Nastya Ivelev often appears in addition to fans in unusual images. She is not afraid to laugh at himself or get into a funny situation. This time, 29-year-old Teediva decided not to use filters and show how it looks without makeup.

Nastya published a photo in one of his blogs. In the picture, she smiles widely into the chamber, her hair is dissolved, only bangs of a clipboard. In Nasta, a black T-shirt with a print, black and blue pants in a pajama style and black sneakers. Nearby is a small black handbag.

"As Yulya Koval said:" Brother, you are so cute and happy! " Perhaps this period is sent to the piggy bank of some of the best periods in my life! NOU MEKAPE, NOU FILTER! " - announced Nastya. A snapshot of just a day scored more than 370 thousand marks "Like".

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But not all fans appreciated the courage of the Ivleva. Some noted that for the "honest" photo TV presenter chose too a boyish style. But most drew attention to the happy and infectious smile of the blogger.

"Noah femininity", "Hordeka is such as the Patzanka," "Nastya, are you so much so much?", "Good and without filters, and without Maykey", "Living" photos are the best "," I thought the sun rose And this nastya smiled, "wrote in the comments.

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