"What has been round": subscribers did not recognize Kristina Asmus in a photo of 7 years ago


Actress Christina Asmus shared with subscribers in Instagram Frame with a colleague Boris Klyuev. Archive snapshot caused a lot of emotions like a star and her fans.

During the self-insulation after infection, the Asmus has managed to recall the pleasant classes that it is often not available because of the dense work schedule. Apparently, it turned out to disassemble and archive photos. One of the finds celebrity shared with fans in a personal blog.

Christina published a snapshot with the current actor Boris Klyuev. Senior colleague in Otatically acquired an actress, which stood with a big bouquet. Both happily smiled into the chamber. Artist with warmth remembered the moments of collaboration in 2013, when the photo was made.

"year 2013. Favorite master, friend, mentor ... Favorite Boris Vladimirovich, as we do not have enough, "Christina admitted.

Many subscribers would have remembered the departed folk artist. But most requested the 25-year version of Asmus, captured in the picture. Fans were mirred by the blunders of celebrities, and many noted with regret that since then the actress was noticeably lost.

"You were better to look better", "funny cheeks you have", "What a cute, gentle" you are here, "young completely, chubby cheeks", "What are you talking about!" How many kilograms were in you? Such a pretty, "wrote Folloviers.

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