Leonardo Dicaprio will shoot a film about scandal with Volkswagen


Paramount Pictures and Appian Way Studio - DiCaprio Studio - bought the rights to the adaptation of the book written by the American journalist Jack by the Evening, investigating the scandal around Volkswagen. The book describes how Volkswagen deceived environmental standards, regulating the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere using automotive software - when checking for the exhaust composition, this program included a special ecological mode and turned it off during normal operation of the car. As a result, until recently, no one suspected that the volume of harmful substances that go into the atmosphere together with the VOLKSWAGEN car exhausts are actually tens of times higher.

For Volkswagen, autocontraser with a richest history, traditions and past, this scandal may well be the beginning of the end (and therefore the story really looks worthy of Hollywood). In September, the US authorities obliged Volkswagen to withdraw from the market of almost half a million cars, and in the near future, the concern may also pay a record-size penalty - up to $ 18 billion.

It should be noted that Leonardo Dicaprio has already collaborated with Paramount Pictures - in 2013, their joint film "Wolf with Wall Street" came out. About the cast or director of the new joint project is not reported.

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