"Big already": Julia Kovalchuk showed a rare photo with daughter from Chumakov


Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov together for about 12 years. Young people met 5 years before the wedding, and in 2013 officially registered relations. True, to acquire the offspring of the couple could not for a long time. Given the difficulty, the spouses decided not to advertise the long-awaited pregnancy. Julia's parents and Alexey began in October 2017.

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Это безусловная любовь и желание защищать каждую секунду? Я молю Бога, чтобы все детки мира не знали, что такое одиночество, болезнь и разлука. Я знаю, что мир жесток, но мир в целом состоит из мира в каждом из нас. Поэтому пусть у нас внутри он будет тёплым, добрым и безмерно любящим. И тогда малыши вокруг нас будут намного счастливее??? #юлияковальчук #певица #ведущая #мама #деньзащитыдетей

Публикация от Julia Kovalchuk/Юлия Ковальчук (@juliakovalchuk)

The newborn baby they called the gentle name - Amelia. But the artists were not hurry to demonstrate the public. Chumakov even said that she would hide her daughter until she was 18 years old. The child is already more than two and a half years old, but the fans of the stars did not see the face of Amelia.

A new frame with a daughter, which appeared on the Kovalchuk page in Instagram, shows only the leg and the child's handle. Mother gently holds a girl for his palm. "This is an unconditional love and desire to defend every second," the singer wrote.

"Sweet handle", "gentle gentle", "What is the charm!", "You are with Alexey Super Parents," the network users are confident. They noticed that they had never seen photographs Amelia and looking forward to when Julia would decide to show the girl. However, many support Kovalchuk's secrecy and believe that it is especially strong to protect what the most value in life should be done.

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