DNA test showed that the jacket was a hairdresser of their Poland


He was one of the main suspects in the Jack-Ripper case, but never was attracted to the court for the lack of significant evidence. Cosmmonsky was born in the Polish city of Klodawa in 1865, in 1881 emigrated to the UK and lived with his family in the London district of Whitechepel. He was arrested and identified with one of the witnesses, which eventually refused to give testimony against him. Kosmmonsky died in 1919 at the age of 53 in a crazy house, where was forcibly placed.

The detective amateur Russell Edwards was fascinated by the investigation of Jack's personality - the Ripper and engaged in this case in his free time, but it came to the conclusion that this mystery would never be solved.

So far, in 2007, at one of the auctions, he did not bought a shawl, which belonged to one of the victims of the killer Catherine Eddow. Shawl was taken by Sergeant Emosom Simpson, who was on duty on the night of the murder, from the crime scene. He took Shawl for his wife, but that because of the stains of blood never wore it. The thing was retained and passed from generation to generation, while seven years ago she did not hit the auction. When Edward acquired Shawl, he realized that he had in his hands, perhaps the rays of the very high-end business of Britain, but did not know where to start.

He turned for help to scientist Yari Luclainen. "When we found the truth, it was the most amazing feeling in my life," said Mr. Edwards. He said that this discovery after 126 years of murders proves that cosmmones are one of the six key suspects in this case - was an actual killer.

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