Megan Markle crossed out his name from the birth certificate Archie and explained why


As it turned out the other day, some changes were made to the birth certificate. In particular, in the column "Mother" the name Megan Okel was changed to "Her Royal Highness of the Duchess Sussekskaya." The changes also touched the column "Father" - the word "prince" was added to the name Harry. Now the full name of the father of Little Archie sounds like "His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles Albert David Duke Susseksky." According to eyewitnesses, these innovations were made only after a month after the birth of the younger son of the star couple, but it was known about it now.

Representatives of Megan and Harry said that all the data were recorded in 2019, taking into account the conditions put forward by the royal courtyard on the basis of documents of high-ranking palace officials, and were not dictated by the will and desire of the Duchess and Duke Susseki. This statement was made against the background of rumors, in which star chet began to accuse that the changes made were made only in order to pump Kate Middleton, which always fit full names and royal regalia in the birth certificates of their children - George and Louis And Princess Charlotte.

The source close to the Harry family also stated that it would be strange, if not even offensive, if in the metric of the children of the prince would not be written their full names and titles. After all, the birth certificate is a full-fledged legal document, which requires a clear observance of all formalities, and interfere with personal relationships here - it means only to inflate rumors and gossip.

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