Insider: Prince Harry will not return to England in the foreseeable future


Recently there were news that this year Prince Harry plans to fly home, in England. But now the insider claims that Harry and his wife Megan Marck will not return to England in the foreseeable future.

The situation, of course, may change if the matter affects the health of family members. But while they are not in a hurry to jumble across the Atlantic,

- said the source.

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Previously, another source from the environment of Megan and Harry told that they got close to the royal family during a pandemic. Harry's father, Prince Charles, revealed Coronavirus in March, and he spent a week in isolation.

Their family drama is not so terrible as much as it wants to the tabloids. Pandemic made them more coinen

- said the informant.

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At the same time recently reported that the queen did not like the performance of Megan and Harry on American TV, when they called on people to go to the presidential election. The pair made it clear that he did not support the politics of Trump. And Trump after that said that he was not "delighted" from Megan, and wished Harry's luck, "because she will come in handy."

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The source from the palace noted that this was delivered to the Queen in an awkward position and because of this Megan and Harry can deprive the titles of the Royal Highness, which they still wear, although they do not use them.

It seems that this is a violation of the agreement. If Trump is re-elevated and he will come with a visit to the queen, how to justify her for the fact that her grandson and his wife spoke against Trump?

- explained insider.

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