"It remained in a narrow circle": Christina Orbakayte spoke about separation with sons


Recently, Christina Orbakaite gave an interview with the publishing house "Den.Ru", where he told a little about how he plans to meet the winter holidays. According to the artist, in previous years it rarely managed to celebrate the New Year in the family circle. But this year, due to the fact that many creative projects stood on a pause, the star family for the first time in a long time will be able to gather at one table.

"Previously there were some performances and trips to other cities. And now it is possible to gather everyone for a big family table - it is a big joy. If not all of our huge family, but at least its part will certainly gather for the new year, "Christina shared.

Most of the pandemic Orbakayte spent with her husband Mikhail Zemtsov and their common eight-year-old daughter Claudia. "Previously, work and creativity were in the first place. And now my vacation was dragging out, and I stayed in a narrow circle, "said the singer. And Christina's sons from past relationships - Nikita Presnyakov and Denis Baisarov at that time were "scattered around the world." "We could not see for a long time," said Orbakaite.

The singer noted that Quarantine brought her family. "We have also been supporting each other's family, but now there have been more common topics, interests, conversations. So I went to the "Song of the Year" and I feel that without a husband and daughters already unusual, "the star shared.

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