Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children: "I will support, but Zanalvinichy"


Indeed, what would Prince William, if one day, George, Charlotte or Louis confessed to him in homosexuality? It is worth paying properly to him, he was not confused, because he already discussed this with Kate Middleton. "I think you do not think about it until you become a parent. Of course, it is absolutely normal for me. I fully support my children and support any decision. But there is something that makes me nervous: it's not that they will become gays or something like, and the public pressure with which they will face, "said William.

Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children:

Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children:

Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children:

This is not the first time he supports representatives of the LGBT community. In 2016, the Duke of Cambridge appeared on the cover of the attitude of Attitude and spoke against the bulling and trace. "No one should be mocked because of their sexuality, and no one should put up with hatred that these young people experience in their lives. Young gays, lesbians and transsexuals with whom I met through Attitude, boldly express your position and give hope to those who suffer from bullying. You must be proud of those you are, because you have nothing to be ashamed, "said William.

Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children:

Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children:

Prince William on how to attain a homosexuality of children:

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