Articles #1083

Media: Vitorgan has grown up with Bogomolov because of Sobchak

Media: Vitorgan has grown up with Bogomolov because of Sobchak
The Telegram Channel "Only Nickname" reports and even shows the video on which the Vitorgan holds with the Bogomol. Allegedly, the spouse of the popular...

Rumors: Ksenia Sobchak divorces Vitorgan because of Konstantin Bogomolov

Rumors: Ksenia Sobchak divorces Vitorgan because of Konstantin Bogomolov
Fans of the couple can not understand if this information is true, because Sobchak herself and her husband do not comment on these rumors. Previously,...

Ksenia Sobchak accused Anna Hilkevich in fashionable illiteracy

Ksenia Sobchak accused Anna Hilkevich in fashionable illiteracy
Recall, the other day the real scandal broke out on the network, the main participant of which Anna Hilkevich became. The fact is that Hilkevich bought...

Ksenia Sobchak stopped hiding pregnancy and showed rounded belly

Ksenia Sobchak stopped hiding pregnancy and showed rounded belly
Recall that for several weeks on the Internet, the rumors that Ksenia Sobchak will finally become a mom. It began after the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov...

Fans of pregnant Ksenia Sobchak identified half of her child

Fans of pregnant Ksenia Sobchak identified half of her child
The fans of the secular lioness Ksenia Sobchak believe that she will have a boy. The birth of the baby is expected to this fall. The first who suggested...

Ksenia Sobchak boasts acquaintance with Kanye West

Ksenia Sobchak boasts acquaintance with Kanye West
"I have a new friend and a neighbor at the event Natalia Vodyanova. Your name is Western Canoe! " - Ironia signed Ksenia together with Kanya shot. The...

Russian stars expressed condolences to the family of killed Nemtsov

Russian stars expressed condolences to the family of killed Nemtsov
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, the leader of the "Ocean Elzy" group, left on his page to Twitter the next entry:"What is it horror! Boris Nemtsova killed! And he...

Named 30 best songs 2016

Named 30 best songs 2016
Note that Rolling Stone did not deal with the distribution of places in the hypothetical ranking, and simply remembered the 30 best compositions. Looks...

Soundtrack "Suicide Squad": Warner Bros revealed the list of songs from the movie

Soundtrack "Suicide Squad": Warner Bros revealed the list of songs from the movie
One of the songs for the "squid squad" - Purple Lamborghini - recorded Rick Ross and Skrillex, jared summer in the image of Joker starred on the clip on...

Leonid Agutin and Polina Gagarina chose the Tenth Finalist Emporio Music Fest.

Leonid Agutin and Polina Gagarina chose the Tenth Finalist Emporio Music Fest.
The competitive task for the participants was devoted to the work of Leonid Agutin, and Leonid was sitting in the jury. The company in strict judging was...

Vladimir Presnyakov sang a duet with the finalist Emporio Music Fest

Vladimir Presnyakov sang a duet with the finalist Emporio Music Fest
This week a place in the jury got the most famous musicians and performers of the domestic scene. Among the star judges were Vladimir Presnyakov, Keta...

Eighth Competition Day Emporio Music Fest

Eighth Competition Day Emporio Music Fest
This time only girls appeared on Emporio Cafe scene - six cheeky and talented singers from Russia and countries of abroad. They appeared before six very...

Emporiomusicfest: Under the hits of the A'Studio group dance all

Emporiomusicfest: Under the hits of the A'Studio group dance all
The theme of the sixth competitive day of the festival was the music of the founding fathers Emporiomusicfest - A'Studio Groups. Their hits have become...

Taylor Swift in Parade magazine. November 2012.

Taylor Swift in Parade magazine. November 2012.
That she doesn't know too much about love : "I tend to take something for love, and then look back and revise your attitude. How many times did she in...

Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift together again?

Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift together again?
These two met in October 2009 at the filming of the romantic comedy "Valentine's Day", and a service novel broke out between them. In January, the "hot...

Kelly Osbourne lies in a weight control clinic

Kelly Osbourne lies in a weight control clinic
According to the NOW magazine, Osborne refuses to call its new diet mode. She likes the term "cleansing". In addition to restrictions in food, the star...

Kelly Osborne spent 5 thousand pounds on Emmy

Kelly Osborne spent 5 thousand pounds on Emmy
Osborne made a cosmetic procedure of Sonya Dakars Diamond Facialto for 250 pounds so that her skin looks flawless in front of the cameras. In order to...

Kelly Osborne cry, putting bikini

Kelly Osborne cry, putting bikini
Kelly Osbourne has nothing to hide: she snapped 48 pounds, participating in the "dance with the stars" this year. And she keeps this weight so far! She...

"We do Eco": Paris Hilton is preparing to become a twin mother

"We do Eco": Paris Hilton is preparing to become a twin mother
Paris Hilton is known for his scandalous behavior and passion for parties. However, in his 39 years, the star decided to be cooled and thought about motherhood....

"Destroyed the walls I erected": Paris Hilton passionately congratulated the boyfriend on the anniversary

"Destroyed the walls I erected": Paris Hilton passionately congratulated the boyfriend on the anniversary
The other day Paris Hilton published a gentle video in his microblog, which showed herself with the current boyfriend Carter Reem. In the roller, the secular...