Sheilin ntoo tau raug ntes thaum nce qib kev tsim kho cov raj xa dej


Qhov xwm txheej tau tshwm sim hauv nroog morton (North Dakota). Ua yeeb yam thiab 26 tus neeg tshaj tawm ntau cov tub rog tawm tsam kev tsim kho ntawm Dakota Access Pipeline. Cov neeg tawm tsam tsis haum txoj kev ntawm cov kav dej hla dej, hais txog lub xeev uas lawv tau txhawj xeeb txog qhov chaw faus neeg ntawm cov neeg Isdias. Raws li cov ntoo hluav taws, ua ke nrog lwm tus neeg tawm tsam, nws tau tsoo lub tsheb ntawm cov chaw haujlwm Missourcuals thaum lub Tsib Hlis, thaum lawv tsoo cov tub ceev xwm ib puag ncig lawv thiab zaum ntawm txhua tus neeg tawm tsam nyob rau hauv lub tsheb loj loj.

27 Cov neeg tau raug ntes rau kev nkag tsis raug cai rau hauv thaj chaw ntawm kev tsim kho. Muaj tseeb, tus sawv cev ntawm ntoo, rau nws feem, hais tias tus neeg ua yeeb yam twb tau tawm ntawm kev saib xyuas.

Yees duab los ntawm kev tawm tsam sheein luam tawm hauv nws lub Instagram Actress Nikki Reed:

#Repost @seekthetruth with @repostapp Everyone please share!! Actress #ShaileneWoodley was arrested in North Dakota while protesting the #DakotaAccessPipeline that will desecrate sacred #NativeAmerican land and pollute water, the incident was captured live on camera. Woodley is seen narrating her own arrest in a video posted on her Facebook page, saying she was headed peacefully back to her vehicle when “they grabbed me by my jacket and said that I wasn’t allowed to continue … and they have giant guns and batons and zip ties and they are not letting me go.” An officer is heard on the video telling the actress that she is being arrested for "trespassing". As she was led away in handcuffs, Woodley says on the video she was among hundreds of protesters but was singled out “because I’m well known, because I have 40,000 people watching.” She is known for her #environmental activism, has previously joined members of North Dakota’s #StandingRockSiouxTribe to protest against the proposed construction of the $3.7 billion project. The 1,100-mile (1770.28-km) pipeline, being built by a group of companies led by Energy Transfer Partners LP, would be the first to bring Bakken shale from North Dakota directly to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. The group behind the Dakota Access pipeline had planned to start operations in the fourth quarter of this year, but construction has been delayed by demonstrations. On Sunday, a federal court rejected a request by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to halt construction of the Dakota Access pipeline but said that ruling was “not the final word,” as a necessary easement still needed government approval. On Monday, the Department of Justice, U.S. Army and Department of the Interior said that the Army, in the interim, will not authorize construction of the pipeline on Army Corps land bordering or under Lake Oahe. The tribe said the pipeline would leave it vulnerable to contamination from oil spills and would damage historic and culturally significant sites. #NoDAPL #IndigenousPeoplesDay Source:

Видео опубликовано Nikki Reed (@iamnikkireed)

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