UMargo Robbie uvumile ukuthi akukakulungeli ukuba ngumama


Njengomthetho, uRobbie akathandi ukwabelana ngemininingwane yempilo yakhe engasebenzi. Kuyaziwa ukuthi i-Star "squad squad" iminyaka emibili yashada ngenjabulo uTom Akerlie, kodwa cishe akakaze akhulume ngoMlingani wakhe. KaPorter Robbie wenza okuhlukile. "Umshado ujabule kakhulu. Ngithanda kakhulu ukuba ngumkami, kepha ngithanda ukuba ngcono kakhulu, "kusho yena. Lapho uMargo ebuzwa ukuthi ngabe ahlela izingane, kwaphendula intombazane ngesigaba: "Cha! Nakanjani cha. Sinenja, eneminyaka emibili ubudala. Futhi manje sekuvele umdlwane omusha we-Pit Bull Puppy, umyeni owathathwa kuyo endaweni yokukhosela. Angizange ngilale ngenxa yabo izinsuku ezintathu. Futhi uma ngingenakukwazi ukubhekana nezinja ezimbili, khona-ke ngibeka kanjani izingane? Ngemuva kweminyaka engama-30 empilweni yakhe ngibona umndeni omkhulu, kepha manje angikakulungeli. "

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Dive in! Introducing the Winter Escape issue of PORTER fronted by Academy Award-nominated actress @MargotRobbie. Bringing warmth, magic and escape to our cold winter days, Margot is photographed by @Yemchuk in fashion to lift your mood, as she talks marriage, tackling the iconic role of historic monarch Elizabeth I, finally working with Quentin Tarantino, and why she hates how fame has made her cynical, with Features Director @vassichamberlain. Also within the issue, PORTER shares previously unpublished images of supermodel @the_real_iman, who speaks about being discovered by female photographer @mirella_ricciardi and not Peter Beard – the man widely credited with discovering the model. For unmissable stories of empowered women, pages of incredible fashion, and an inspired travel and spa guide, find PORTER’s Winter Escape issue on global newsstands 7 December. Editor-in-Chief: @lucy_yeomans Fashion Editor: @camillebwaddington Margot wears bikini top by @chanelofficial

Публикация от PORTER magazine (@portermagazine)

UMargo noTom bahlangana ngo-2014 ngesikhathi sokuhlunga kwefilimu "i-French Suite", lapho i-Aerley isebenza njengomqondisi wosizo. Ngemuva kwesinye isikhathi, baqala ukuhlala ndawonye eLos Angeles basungula ukujabulisa kwabo ukuvakasha kwenhlanhla.

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