"Ngokushesha futhi uthukuthele 7" wabhekisa isilinganiso samafilimu ngenani elikhulu kakhulu le-kinolyaps


Ngenombolo yamarekhodi "ngokushesha futhi i-furious 7" iphoqelekile ezigcawini ezimbalwa - ngokwesibonelo, kwesinye seziqephu zefilimu, isibalo sefilimu, futhi kamuva sivela kuphela ngesandla esiningi, ngenkathi , ngokusho kochwepheshe, noma yimuphi umuntu ngemuva kokuwa okunjalo angaba nokulimala okuhlukahlukene okuhlukahlukene.

Amafilimu aphezulu angama-20 ango-2015 anenombolo enkulu yamaphutha, ama-kinoopes kanye nokumane nje anganembile abukeka kanjena:

1. Fast and Furious 7 / Furious 7 - 41 Iphutha

2. I-Jurassic World / World World - 33 Amaphutha

3. UMartian / Martian - Amaphutha ayi-19

4. 007: Spectrum / Specter - Amaphutha ayi-16

5. Mad Max: Rare Road / Mad Max: Fury Road - 15

6. Umuntu we-Ant-Man - 12

7. ISIKHUMBUZO: UGenesise / Terminator Genisys - 10

8. Ama-Shados angamashumi amahlanu emithunzi empunga / engamashumi amahlanu empunga - 8

9. Akuliy Tornado 3 / sharknado 3: oh Hell Cha! - 7.

10. Amandla / Minions - 7

11. Ukuphumula / iholide - 7

12. Avenger: Era Altron / Avenger: Ubudala be-Ultron - 7

13. Spy / Spy - 7

14. Spongebob ku-3D / The Spongebob Movie: SpongeBob Out of Water - 7


16. Spy Bridge / Bridge of Spies - 6

17. Marine 4 / the Marine 4: Ithagethi Ehambayo - 6

18. I-Mission Impiable: Isizwe se-Rogue / Mission Inteke - Isizwe Solue - 6

19. ISan Andreas / San Andreas - 4

20. Amaphikseli / amaphikseli - 4

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