Makolay Kalkin told about failing to listen to "Once in ... Hollywood"


When I became known for the full cast "Once in ... Hollywood", there were quite a few unexpected names, especially against the background of the fact that often Quentin Tarantino prefers to work with the previously established circle of actors like Samuel L. Jackson, the minds of Turman and Michael Madsen . However, this time the chance of getting the role of Tarantino had even Macaoles Kalkin.

Makolay Kalkin told about failing to listen to

In an interview with Esquire, the ex-star of the film "One House" in a nutshell shared a story about his participation in Casting for "Once at ... Hollywood":

It was a catastrophe. I would definitely hired myself. On auditions, I always look awful. In addition, it was my first audition over the past eight years.

Makolay Kalkin told about failing to listen to

Kalkin did not disclose what exactly he was tried, although there may be a lot of guesses in this regard, given the number of painting characters suitable for him. For example, it could well be present in the form of Texa Watson, who was played by Austin Butler in the film. In addition, the appearance of Calkin would add special irony, given that the picture ends in the invasion of dangerous criminals in the private house.

Makolay Kalkin told about failing to listen to

Meanwhile, the acting career Calkin is still alive: last year the comedy drama "Land of Changes" was published, in which he played one of the roles of the second plan. According to the actor, he is always happy to return to the cinema, even if not as the main star.

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