"Million Mom" ​​called for boycott "eternal" because of the same-sex kiss


The American Public Organization Anti-LGBT of the Million Mauma called on the boycotting film Chloe Zhao "Eternal". In February, actor Haaz Slaman during an interview said that Fastos's husband would play (Brian Taryri Henry). And in the film, the spectators will see a sensual same-sex kiss, which forced to cry from lunating the entire film crew.

Marvel decided to be polished, instead of protecting family values. Family films must entertain, and not promote the agenda of certain groups. As moms, we cannot but be concerned when Marvel is trying to insult our families, advertising LGBT's lifestyle,

- The organization says.

Previously, "Million Mom" ​​has already been delivered: the Universe DC for plans to make a green lantern gay; The series "Princess asterisk against the forces of evil" for a picture from a concert, where the number of kissing same-sex couples exceeded the number of diverse; The animated film "Toy Story 4" for promoting same-sex marriages. As well as Network Burger King for television advertising, where the character who tried the burger says the "indecent" phrase "damn it!". The worst of all had the channel Hallmark Channel, who first, under the threat of a boycott from "Million Mom", removed the advertisement of same-sex marriages from the ether, and then under the threat of a boycott from the LGBT activists returned it back.

The premiere of "Eternal" is scheduled for November 6, 2020.

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