The creators of the remake "Mulan" explained that Shang was getting rid of the fear of #Metoo


The producer of the new film "Mulan" Jason Reed in an interview with Collider told why the chart of Shang disappeared in a kinema. In the animated film, this captain of the Chinese army played an important role. He was the head of Mulan, when she pretended to a man, saved her from execution, and later became her fiance.

It seems to me that at the time of #Metoo, it is very wrong to use the image of the head, who has a romantic relationship with a subordinate. Therefore, we made from Lee Shang two characters. One is a commander Mulan and is experiencing her father's feelings. His name is Tang. The second - Honghui, the same soldier as Mulan,

- Repeated Reed.

New Zealand actor Yoson An, the executor of the role of Honghua, describes his character as a very calm, noble and observant. He describes the development of relations between Honghum and Mulan:

At the beginning of their relationship is truly bad. But as they jointly pass the course of a young fighter, they begin to respect each other, as they see in the partner of the real warrior. Friendship grows from the resulting respect. I see that this film is different from the cartoon version, and from the original legend. My hero is not Shang. I can't tell a lot about my character and how the relationship between heroes will develop. But the audience will see it themselves when they will watch the movie.

The creators of the remake

Wishing to please one, the creators of the film fell under the criticism of others. LGBT activists criticized the decision to remove Shang due to the fact that, in their opinion, this character was bisexual. After all, the feelings for Mulan had a little before he learned that she was a girl.

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