Netflix revealed how many people killed Chris Hemsworth in "Evacuation"


Action "Evacuation" with Chris Hemsworth starved on Netflix last week. Participation in the star project of the film Marvel, as well as the fact that the script for the film wrote one of the director "Avengers: Final" Joe Rousseau, attracted special attention to "evacuation". The first thing that rushes into the eyes in this film is the mass of corpses and abundance of violent scenes. There are also hand-to-hand fights, and fights on knives, and shootouts. Like John Whita, the "evacuation" protagonist Tyler Rake expects his enemies with all possible ways.

Netflix revealed how many people killed Chris Hemsworth in

If you try to count, how many enemies crushed the character of Hemsworth, then you can easily be knocked out from the account, but Netflix itself came to the rescue. On the official page of Stream-service in Twitter, a post was published, in which the exact number of Tyler victims was named:

The least believable element of "evacuation" is that from all 183 people killed by the main character, no one has never said that Chris Hemsworth has a handsome ...

Almost two hundred killed - an impressive number, in connection with which the parallels between the "evacuation" and "John Whita" were only strengthened. Nevertheless, "evacuation" is something to surprise lovers of continuous action - which is at least a 12-minute scene without mounting curlers, in which Tyler pursues a whole schop of soldiers, cops and mercenaries. The film was having delighted with the public, so there was already information that in the future "evacuation" can get sequels and / or preques.

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