Frank Grillo from "First Avenger: confrontation" no longer wants to play punishers


It seems that disappointment is waiting for those Marvel fans who hoped that in the future the punisher in the film can play Frank Grillo, known for the role of Crossobounds ("First Avenger: Winter Soldier" and "First Avenger: confrontation"). The actor first showed interest in this image back in 2014, before John Bernal was chosen by the next Frank Kasl for the series Netflix "Sorvigolov".

As a result, Grillo, over the past years, realized that with superheroral roles it's time to tie. In an interview with the UPROXX edition, the actor stated that the role of the punisher does not correspond to the trajectory of his career, and added:

This is not where my life is leading me. And my friend Johnny Burnal has already done a stunning job.

The actor admitted that his priorities changed strongly, and he himself "converts everything connected with Marvel and superhero." Now Frank is more focused on his producer company Warparty, which he founded together with the director of the film "Fight" Joe Karnajan.

By the way, Kevin Faigi is in no hurry to disclose the studio plans relative to the punisher. Yes, and the time at the Marvel Studios chapter is still enough, because the characters who were part of the show on Netflix are forbidden to appear in other projects at least two years after the closure of the original series. So Marvel will be able to return Frank Castle on screens only after February 2021.

In any case, last fall Burnal stated that it will be happy to return to this role and give fans all that they deserve. Considering how well it was born into the image of the punisher, the MARVEL's decision to reiterate him in this capacity would be reasonable.

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