Angelina Jolie: "I want a peaceful future for my children"


"In the country of blood and honey," demonstrates a deep understanding of human nature. Do you think to understand suffering, you need to go through it?

Of course, I didn't even get close to experience the experiences of my heroes, but I lost my mother - a man I loved the most. I could only empathize to people in a similar position. I saw them wagged them, I kept children who were affected by bombing. But, no, I did not have to worry about anything like that, and I am very grateful for it.

Few people know about the war in Yugoslavia, it is practically not covered in contrast to the Second World War. What prompted you to pay attention to this conflict?

It is the fact that people know little about her. I was 17, when the war began - a conscious age, you don't seem? However, during a visit to Yugoslavia, I understood how little I know about those events, and I considered my duty to tell about that terrible war .. But my picture was to be different from films about the Second World War. We needed completely different images, stylistics and musical accompaniment. My audiences must constantly remember that this war was quite recently, they should ask the question - what did I do at the time?

What was for more important: the desire to try yourself in director or desire to tell the story?

I did not plan to be in the director's chair .. First of all, I wanted to tell the story, learn all her nuances. I wanted to know everything to the smallest details and literally I studied military documents. And only after that, already possessing a certain margin of knowledge, I decided to sit down myself in the director's chair. Brad and I have long thought about finding someone else, because technically I was not quite ready. But this topic was worried, and I was ready to completely surrender to me.

When do you plan to show a movie to your children?

While they are too small in order to watch the horrors of the war, but my children were born in countries with a very difficult political situation, and they understand what this film is about.

How do you protect your personal life from annoying paparazzi?

Paparazzi do not burn with a desire to fly to Cambodia (laughs). I try not to pay attention to them and concentrate on positive things.

You have seen the world not in the most diligent light. Do you still believe in a person?

Yes I believe you. Although it worries me that an economic decline comes before the start of each war. It is in such a situation that we now live. But if you lose hope, existence loses any meaning. That's why I try to illuminate the problems of modern society with such persistence - I want a peaceful future for my children.

Brad Pitt said he wants to relax from fame a couple of years. Do you support his desire to do homemade?

Yes, we both want to spend more time with children. They will soon come into a difficult teenage period, and they need an eye yes. We were lucky to be very popular, but the career is not the most important thing in life.

Waiting for teenage protests with horror?

I can not imagine that they will wish to lead themselves than I am in their years, but ready for everything.

You will be able to appreciate the directorial debut of Angelina Jolie "In the edge of blood and honey" from the 29th of March in all cinemas of the country.

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