Interview Robert Pattinson for PREMIERE magazine


Premiere. : Tell me please, the name of your stylist on the hairstyle and the name of that gel you enjoy.

Robert: Want to know the truth? I lay my hair only on the shooting area.

Premiere. : The last time we met during the speeches in support of the "Twilight" last November, it seems you have not realized that what happens.

Robert : I do not think that at least someone understands what is happening. What happened is such a rarity. You wake up once in the morning and suddenly become a star. Real nightmare. Suddenly you become known to everyone, although not changed either on iota. I truly realized what happened, only in Cannes. During the break, I went to the restaurant, and when it came out from there in 2 hours, then 500 people were waiting for me near the entrance. It was full chaos. I had to literally carry to the car. It is funny to remember this.

Premiere. : Probably, you wanted to ask all these people that they did ...

Robert : Sure. I am sure that if I told one of those girls: "I went, we have breakfast together," then she would be completely confused and would never shine my name in the middle of the crowd.

Premiere. : It should be difficult to stay calm when you so much crave.

Robert : Yes of course. But at the same time, I can not say what has changed. The worst thing is when friends call you to meet them somewhere, but you have to talk to them: "Sorry, but I can't go there," because you are completely sure that the photographers will wait there. I have all the time to look around, be ultra-love, because at any time anyone can shoot me or write what I say. I feel like working as if I work without stopping, however, at least at the shooting, thanks to security measures, I can at least be a little in solitude. This is such relief.

Premiere. : Film shooting site is the only place where can you live your life?

Robert : It sounds insane, right? I still could not find a single place in the world where I could hide. Even in the most hard-to-reach place, what I can imagine, there is someone who will ask me a photo or an autograph. Honestly, I did not even think that I was so easy to learn.

A few months ago, I was already close to abandon all this, I became a real paranoid. But then new shooting began, everything looked a little. I can't just turn away and not pay attention to what is happening.

Premiere. : What is the most interesting, so this is what in 2 years old when you finish to act in "Twilight", you will have to make every effort so that people have forgotten the very character who made you a star to this image is not adherent to you.

Robert: It scares me a little. When I go to a meeting about other projects, then the people with whom I meet is only the similarity between Edward Cullen and me. They say something like: "If you like the role, and you will be able to lead to us the audience" Twilight ", then consider what you got it." I think they are ready to even give me a female role.

Premiere. : Among the fans of "Twilight" have men?

Robert : Little. In fact, more and more guys ask me about autograph. True, sometimes they make it for the sake of selling them at auction.

Premiere. : Your schedule is scheduled for 2 years ahead?

Robert : Practically. If you do not count one week at the end of the summer, to visit a friend, about the existence of which I will just forget.

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