Scripts "Avengers: Final" explained why Tony Stark was supposed to die


The death of Tony Stark in the last minutes of the blockbuster "Avengers: the final" became a crushing blow to fans, forcing people in cinemas literally cry from grief and sympathy. The authors of the script were accused of cruelty and madness, but, as it turned out, the idea of ​​killing the Iron man was justified and logical.


In an interview with Vanity Fair, Christopher Markus stated that the continuous movement on a successful way sooner or later leads to attenuation of interest in the audience. But when something important ends, it becomes possible to judge how great it was. The screenwriter led to comparison the final of the Great Gatsby Final:

If at the end they got into the car and left, would we wondered what would happen next? No, we just did not remember it.

Colleague Marcus Stephen Mcfly admitted that the fate of Stark, who had passed the huge path from the "bold billionaire-playboy" to the one who sacrifices for the sake of salvation of the Universe was predetermined back in 2015. Nominable then the screamers realized that the iron man would never look better in the eyes of fans better than if sacrifice her life.


And Joe Russo noted that the Stark Stark and Steve Rogers were created to balance each other.

After you kill your favorite character, such as Tony, you must leave hope at the end of the film, and it can only give it another, no less important hero,

- said the director of the Avengers.

He also suggested that if the death of the outbreak and an iron man, and Captain America, the audience would remain in a stupor.

Our intention was not to destroy people. We just wanted to tell the complex and multifaceted story so that the audience would experience different emotions,

- concluded Rousseau.

Another hero of "Avengers: Final", whose life unexpectedly interrupted, became a black widow. But a new meeting with her, albeit the events of earlier years, will take place in a few months. Solnik Natasha RomanoF will start in cinemas April 3020.

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