Maria Sharapova in Shape magazine. September 2013


About his love for tennis : "I started training when I was only four years old. But in such a small age, of course, do not play every day. I did not do this until I was seven, and we did not move from Russia to the United States. There I have already begun serious training and devoted practical exercises much more time. I have always been passionate about sports. I like the individual nature of the competition, the fact that you are alone with an opponent. Most of all I like it when the tough game comes a feeling that you need to give all myself for this moment of victory. "

About their sports achievements by 26 years : "If at the age of 17 I was told that in 10 years I will still play, I would have thought that it was very long. But now I play and feel strong motivation to continue. If you really like something, and there is a physical opportunity to do it well, you can play a lot, for many years. This is a key point in all sports. "

About how to achieve success in sports : "You should strive for your own success, and not imitate someone. I admired certain players when I studied, but never sought to be like someone. When the children say they want to be like me, I answer: "No, you should strive to be better".

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