Tom Hardy answered the claims of an angry journalist


"Tom Hardy should not appoint a press conference," the journalist said on Twitter. - He does not know how and interferes with others to fulfill his work. Yes, he went. "

Makuini, who waited for his interlocutor about 4 hours, added: "I will never interview him, even if he promises me a role in movies. In addition, in response to the questions, he is still capable only to rinse something vague. I saw that Tom Hardy brought Prachikov to tears. And today, instead of going to the scheduled interview in Toronto, which I allocated my time, he decided to take a nap. "

The journalist left a lot of angry messages to Hardy, so he decided to answer. "Dear Drew," the actor wrote in an open letter. - I feel sorry for your in vain spent time. The truth is that then I was all day busy on other interviews. And we did not even know that someone else awaits me. Just someone decided that shifting responsibility for me is much easier. "

"I doubt that you could tell me in my face all that diluted in our public tweets," Hardy continued. - You can repeat this at our next meeting, although I'm not sure that you have enough courage. And it does not matter who of us misled, I, in any case, I apologize. It was not cool at all. Like your tweets. But it is so, by the way. "

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