An exclusive interview with the actress of the film "He and she" Doria Tille


In the film, we often hear the names of the famous writers, but for the Russian viewer, the frequent mention of Dostoevsky will be especially noticeable. Why precisely it is so often mentioned in your movie?

This is the idea of ​​Nicolas, he is much better dealing with me in the literature. But I know that he chose this writer, because all over the world is known as the author of the Great Romanov. It appreciates the intelligentsia. And in the desire of the hero to be Dostoevsky there is a note of the absurd. This is the writer with a very difficult fate, and the fact that Victor is all the time at him, rather funny.

An exclusive interview with the actress of the film

Frame from the film "He and she"

You raised an interesting topic of weave creativity with a personal life. You are also a creative person, what influence has a reality on your scenarios and, on the contrary, how does your ability to invent stories affected your personal life?

I think all inspiration comes from real life. Reality gives us all the necessary ingredients. All the trick is to mix the pieces of reality in a new way and make an interesting fiction out of it. He and she tells not about our pair. We were inspired by many things starting from us, our parents, the heroes of books, acquaintances and ending with simply imagination! Imagination subconsciously draws inspiration from reality, but absolutely unlimited. While we wrote a script, we constantly tried to cheer each other.

As for my ability to "come up with stories," I do not know if the ability is it ... ha ha ha. But I really love dilute life, inventing all sorts of things, playing the long comedy numbers. Sometimes it helps me to live, because I have an immense inner world! I, for example, can sit for hours in the car and look out the window, without uttering a word, because I am inventing some story in my head. Just to take yourself.

An exclusive interview with the actress of the film

Frame from the film "He and she"

"He and she" - a romantic tragicomedy. What genres would you like to explore in the future?

So far, it is too early to talk about this with confidence. As a viewer, I love all genres. True all. But, perhaps, I need the so-called "dialogue" movie. And I love comedy. In this film, as, however, in life, I especially like to mix plots, which on the parties do not look comic. Some strange, sometimes taboo topics. It seems to me that laugh at such things much more exciting. Personally, I believe that you can laugh above everything. If only the joke was ridiculous and well-told - and at the right moment! That's it, I consider it a mistake to assume that if you laugh at something, then it does not take it seriously. I laughed a hundred times over something that I treated it very seriously. On the contrary, laughing about things frightening, indistinguishing or very impressive - very useful. It's good.

In one of the interviews, you said that they abandoned many much more ambiguous scenes (to the question of provocations in the film), can you give an example of a couple of them?

My words probably distorted slightly. I just said that we cut out some scenes, which, as we seemed to have fallen out of the script. They went against the rest of the rest. The case was not that they causing, they simply were well combined with the film as a whole. Yes, I don't remember them, we recorded so much ideas! At the very beginning, 200 pages were in the script.

Already have ideas for new films?

It seems to me that it is rather questions to Nicolas. Do not forget, the director is he. Yes, it has ideas for the following films.

Lilia Bariev

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