Deniz Richards abandoned the guardianship of Charlie Tire because of their cruelty


According to the site TMZ, Denise wrote an appropriate letter to the Department of Rights of Children and Family. The actress asked to remove the guardian duties from her, explaining that the Bob and Max were prone to violence and were not controlled. According to Richards, their mother is to blame for this, which is now fighting with narcotic drug addiction.

Denise reported that the boys constantly showed aggression to her daughters and pets. The statement describes several similar cases. Bob and Max have repeatedly beat her dogs on his head, squeezed with their hands, listening like those whims from pain. Children could put the animal at one moment, and then suddenly start chosing him and raise the neck over the floor. Attempts to Richards explain that the dogs hurt, the boys answered that it was perfectly understood and wanted to kill them.

Daily and daughters actresses. The letter states that Bob and Max beat Sam, Lol and Eloise on their heads and stomach, pushed, scratched, stood and spoiled in them. Once, after the visit to his mother, Bob threw a toy in Sam's face, and the girl had to lead to a doctor. The brothers also threw their own feces in the Girls Bath.

In Centribabé, the boys went to school, where they also did not differ in approximate behavior. In particular, Bob fought with other children and even hit the teacher to face. In his appeal, Richards noted that the twins begin to behave particularly bad after communication with Brooke Muller. According to the star, when the brothers return from their mother's house, their terrible nightmares are tormented. Pediatricians advised the star Show children to a psychologist, but Brooke banned it.

Now the Department for Children and Families will have to solve the further fate of 4-year-old twins.

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