At Stephen King, they collapsed with criticism for insufficient tolerance


The eve of the Oscar awards ceremony on tradition is associated with rapid discussions, and not always positive. This time, the scandalous story turned around the horror king - Stephen King. The writer did not care in his Twitter account post, in which he stated that there was never a problem of diversity, "applied to individual actors and directors." Also, the writer added that in everything with regard to art, it is necessary to consider only the quality, and not racial diversity at all.

King's statements immediately and quite predictably caused a whole squall of criticism. For example, one of Twitter users suggested him to think more about what was said, and the other objected that the situation in which white men, which make up about 35% of the total population, "produce 100% of high-quality art", illogical.

King was even accused of the fact that his words are equivalent to the statement in the spirit "I do not distinguish the race." And the writer tried to express a little clearer. He added that the idea of ​​equality is in the first place, and therefore the most important thing people can do in art, - "It is to make sure that everyone is honest, despite the floor, race or orientation."

True, Twitter users perceived it only as an attempt to justify himself, immediately discerning the writer in the fact that he contradict himself.

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