In the song, the manizes did not find insults of Orthodox Russian women


After the first channel was held in the first channel presentation of the songs of the manipies, with which she planned to perform on Eurovision, and the singer itself, and the text of the composition was criticized. Many users of the network wondered why the song from Russia represents the singer of Tajik origin, the other did not like her outfit, the third did not estimate too aggressive manner of performance. The excitement around the clip has reached even the State Duma of the Russian Federation, where the deputies have discussed the opportunity to ban the singer's use of elements of state symbolism in their speech.

A little later, representatives of the ROCs joined the discussion, who tried to prove that the lyrics containing words offensive for Russian Orthodox women. Her colleague, the first participant of the Eurovision contest from Russia, the singer Maria Katz, known under the pseudonym of Judith, came up.

According to Katz, the composition of Russia Woman does not carry insults for any of the religions. "I think this is wrong. I carefully read the text, and I am convinced that there is nothing offensive for women in Russia. The text is absolutely neutral. I did not see any random of shocking or unpleasant for Orthodox women, "the fifth channel quotes the words of Judith. Meanwhile, the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation received a complaint from representatives of the public, which insisted on checking the text of the songs of the manipies. According to Journalists, the official representative of the department Svetlana Petrenko, the song will again carefully check for possible unlawful statements.

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