The author of "Deadpool" hinted that "predatory birds" failed due to not enough sexual Harley Queen


The artist and writer Rob Lifeld became famous as one of the creators of such superheroes, like Deadpool and Cable, but he is also known for the fact that female characters in their comics always depicts extremely figure and causing. After it became clear that the recently superhero-block blockbuster DC "Painting Birds: The Stunning Harley Queen History" does not justify expectations in terms of cash collections, Lifield on his page on Twitter expressed the view that the film is obliged to be too faded out of the title heroine.

The author of

Despite the fact that later Lifield removed all the critical tweets in connection with the "birds of prey", the Internet still remembers everything. So, in one of his posts, Lifield compared the updated image of Harley Queenn with McDonald's McDonald's McDonald:

The next time you need more punk rock and less than happy mila. Clear Harley in Ronald McDonald was a brush idea. Adhere to winning punk rock formula. Visual design and costumes are of great importance.

Following this, Lifield remembered the very frank outfit Margot Robbie in the "Suicide detachment", adding such a comment to this:

Harley in the style of Deborah Harry is magnificent. This is an excellent image for this heroine and Margo.

The author of

It is not difficult to guess that in his statements Lifield hints at the "predatory birds" Harley Quinn looks insufficiently sexually. At the same time, Margot Robbie directly said that narrow shorts and close Towards from the "suicide detachment" hurt her tangible discomfort during filming, in connection with which the creators of "birds of prey" deliberately decided to move the heroine in more comfortable clothes that would not be so clearly Designed to attract male attention. Those who joined Lifilad in the dispute, made an emphasis on this: "Women should be experimenting with different styles in clothes. If Harley changed the costumes, then there is nothing that may cause bewilderment. She wanted to look like a new way. This, damn, happens constantly. "

"To draw inspiration = simply copy the image of Deborah Harry. You don't care about punk, you just want the Body Robbi to delay your gaze. "

"Sir, you don't have absolutely no right to make comments about costumes of such a beautiful female character."

"Rob, didn't you read the comics in which Harley then changes clothes? Carefully change the image after a hard break with your beloved person - the usual thing. I like both suit, and it seems to me that your criticism is simply a ridiculous. "

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