Actor "Avatar: Legend of Aange" about the Netflix conflict with the creators: "Everything flies to hell"


In 2018, there was a contract for the creation of the art series, between the creators of the animation series "Avatar: Legend of Aang" and the Netflix Stregnation Service. Now the creators of the animated series Michael Dante Dimartino and Brian Koniezko leave the project. They are not satisfied that the Netflix management ignores their point of view.


Actor Greg Baldwin, who voiced Uncle Airo in the original series, commented on the situation with such words:

I do not know if I can believe that Netflix will create a decent adaptation "Avatar: Legend of Aange" without the participation of its creators and without their creative vision. I worked for many years at the studio. And I know that as soon as people in costumes begin to interfere in the project and try to change everything to justify their participation ... then everything flies to hell.

Representatives of NetFlix argue that with respect with respect to solving the creators of the cartoon series, but at the same time confident in their decisions.


"Avatar: Legend of Aange" tells about the Favorites, which should master all the elements to stop the war and save the world.

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