The star "Captain Marvel" Bree Larson stated that he had long felt ugly


In a frank interview with W Magazine BRI Larson told about how he suffered from low self-esteem. The star "Captain Marvel" admitted that he had long felt "Rudy and Rogo" and it took her time to feel comfortable.

Brie does not believe in beauty standards, so she called on fans to "allow themselves to be freedom of expression."

"I understand this problem well. In my life, I felt a long way of outcast and a lot. It took me a lot of time to calm down and take yourself. The only thing that brought me a consolation is a realization that I can be one to whom I want. I am very sympathetic to people who do not feel safe in their own body. For me, this is the main goal in life: to do everything so that people have freedom and the right to be those who are that they are, regardless of what they are, "Larson said. The actress added that it is important to combine work and care of yourself, especially now, during a pandemic.

"This [pandemic] acts on the nerves. I had to better delimit the work and care of myself. As soon as the sun begins to sit, I understand that it has come time to go. I start cooking dinner or I go to the garden - everything starts with this. I am also a ghu incense at home - he not only gives an excellent fragrance, but also cleans the air, he is antimicrobial, "the actress shared.

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In the evenings, Larson looks movies or engaged in wellness practices. "I try to watch movies every evening. Sometimes, if the day was tense, breathing exercises and meditating. When you all day at home, I noticed all the problems easily cling to you, and you wear them all the time. Therefore, it is important to understand that there are everyday affairs, routine, and there are rituals that bring you out of it. For example, such a ritual, like cleansing and moisturizing a person, or a 10-minute respiratory gymnastics, "BR shared.

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