4 women's signs of the zodiac who can not trust secrets


Under no circumstances trust them with their secrets. They do not know how to keep the tongue behind the teeth.


"Can not be! I did not tell anyone! Honestly!" - Girl-Aries girl, appeared in an excessive chatter. It stores secrets in terms of the situation and very often lose control when confidentiality should be followed. If anyone stuck extra, then only she is.

Aries never admits that he had told about someone else's mystery to the whole world. And what about this is terrible? Think! If you need someone specially let the audits, please contact her.

a lion

"I swear! I am a grave! " - The lion girl tells you and does not blink with this eye. But believe me, it is only empty and meaningless words! Soon everything will be learned about your secret, because it is difficult to find more chatty person. She is too artistic and likes to attract the attention of others. She adores to play the public! In the impulse, make an impression on all and stand out on a general background with a lionz "carries". At such moments her tongue is her enemy.

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"Yes, what?! Can not be! How interesting!" - Supports a secret conversation girl scorpion with you. Most likely, after your mental confessions, she will try to keep them in itself, but now be afraid - from this moment you will become an object of blackmail. Oh, and she loves to use people and manipulate themselves in good!


"Oh, that I found out! You can't imagine! " - Very often, any conversation with a fish girl begins. True, he will definitely end like this: "Only TS-S-C !!! Do not tell anyone! This is a big secret!" Yeah ... only in time everything will be recognized about him. But you were silent.

Fish hang out because they are looking for support and location of people. Alien mystery for them is what it is necessary to gain new friends who soon learn that she is better not to trust the most intimate.

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