Father Britney Spears said she herself asked him to become the only guardian


Members of the Chamber of Representatives of the US Congress from the Republican Party, Matt Getz and Jim Jordan, intervened in a loud business of guardianship over Britney Spears. Politicians appealed to the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives with a request to hold a hearing on the appointment by the court of guardians, highlighting the case of Britney as a vivid example.

Getz and Jordan noted the "growing public concern" due to the appointment by the courts of guardians, as a result of which "individuals are deprived of liberty by the will of others by manipulation."

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Politicians stated that the circumstances that served as the basis for the appointment of Britney Guardian, "remain controversial" and are associated with the "dubious motifs and legal tactics of her father", Jamie Spears. Also, Goetz and Jordan noted that the case of Spears is not the only one and that there are other Americans, "unfairly deprived of liberty" and "not able to seek help."

Jamie answered politicians through his lawyer Vivien L. Torin, who stated that the court carefully monitors the situation Britney and "deeply studies all the circumstances" under the leadership of the "highly qualified and devoted to his case of the judicial investigator." Separately, she noted that until 2019, the singer had two property custodians - a private professional keeper and Jamie Spears. As a result, according to Torin, Britney herself asked the guardian of the property to be appointed one of her father. The guardian of the personality of the singer, according to a lawyer, Jamie is not - this role is fulfilled by the appointed professional, for the work of which the court also follows.

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Earlier, Vivien noted that Britney could refuse guardianship, simply applying for a petition. Jamie and his lawyer continue to insist that guardianship over Britney is "in her own interests."

All this diverges that the lawyer itself says Britney: According to him, Spears is afraid of his father. Positions Jamie and Vivien L. Torin also opposes the public and authors of the sensational film Framing Britney Spears, after which Spears received a lot of sympathy and support from both fans and many celebrity colleagues.

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