Five ways to get rid of menstrual pain


Surely each of you turned out to be in the company where the conversation at the time of the peak of Revelations came about the difficult life of the floors.

- Here you, men, easy: got up, shaved, took a shower and fight! And imagine that you ... oo, I don't even say.

And indeed, every month, any of us lives from one moment of pain, stress, tears and "I want strawberries with potatoes" before the other. The menstrual cycle dictates its rules and creates inconvenience. One of which is menstrual pain. Someone drowshes her hormonal pills, a classic "but-shp", someone overcomes it is precisely without resorting to the means and help of pharmacists. About whether it is possible to really remove the unpleasant feeling without the help of drugs, we will talk today.

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To begin with, we will understand why it hurts ...

Without pretending to open, let's notify that the menstrual cycle is preparing for pregnancy. That is why it is worth telling what exactly and how in this process causes an unpleasant stay of several days of the month.

On science

At the first stage of the cycle, everything starts from the head. Exactly. In the pituitary gland, the brain section, a hormone is produced, under the action of which follicles are developed in the ovaries - "germinal bubbles". In one of them - a converging egg ...

Middle cycle. Ovulation. The body is seriously preparing for possible pregnancy: the level of hormones changes, ripens and breaks the follicle, it turns out from it ready to fertilize the egg, increases and swells the inner mucous membrane of the uterus - endometrium. Remember this word!

If the yurt "Golovastic" did not reach the deadline of the egg, and fertilization did not happen, all the processes fucked. Pregnancy did not take place. Everything that was preparing for the meeting for so long, it begins to turn around - "the guest did not arrive", "the discos will not", "all at home", "disassemble the dance floor."

Endometrium (as well, that you already know this word) begins to die, the hormonal balance is shifted again. The game of hormones makes itself felt by the PMS syndrome, about which there are so unseasonable anecdotes for us ...

And now the moment of menstruation itself is approaching. Our familiar endometrium orders a "taxi" - it begins to produce special substances, prostaglandins. They stimulate the cutting of the uterus, removing the hero from the failed holiday. At the bottom of the abdomen appears pulling pain and spasms. Prostaglandins are the most culprits that prevent us a few days a month to fully enjoy life. How can you maximize this discomfort?

Hormonal therapy

Immediately it is worth saying that the game with hormones is a serious thing. And here it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor. However, if you decide to get rid of painful menstruation forever, this method will be the most effective. The hormonal course will adjust the balance of prostaglandins, the pain during menstruation will significantly decrease.

If you are not ready for such a serious intervention, then you need to learn to cope with the pain softer, gentle by the impact on the body in ways.


Convinced opponents of tablets or those whose body has developed addictive to analgesics and does not feel their actions, herbal decoctions and compresses will be salvation. Some fees need to drink a few days before critical days to gradually prepare the body, others are well removed by nausea and spasms directly for the first time days of menstruation. But it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist before each course of the grass: Does your doctor approve such experiments? The case can end not only allergies, but also a cycle failure, enhanced bleeding, which will have to stop drugs ...

Warm care

Heat helps to remove pain in menstruation and reduce spasms. While at home, a good option will be the reception of a warm soul and light self-massage: the hands should be warm, and the imposition of palms is best alternate with strokes. And most importantly, in no case you can not warm the abdomen for a long time, if you have cysts, tumors or momas.

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What should I do if the first day of menstruation found out of the house? What can there be "warm care"?! The question is fair. However, the answer is on it. Now in pharmacies you can find, for example, a special thermoplastic Frauplast. You just glue it to underwear before going out of the house and 6 hours feel pleasant heat, relieving muscle spasms. The plaster acts gently and absolutely impaired for those who notice anything should: others never guess about your delicate condition in your mood or well-being.

Laugh therapy and diet joy

The safest and most pleasant way to remove pain - strengthen the entrance to the blood of endorphins, or joy hormones. To sincerely rejoice in life, even for the first time days of menstruation, you can arrange in the evenings viewing your favorite comedies, listen to easy relaxing music, hang a few positive notes with funny emoticons to the monitor (or set something similar as desktop wallpapers on the tablet, smartphone). Our body can get endorphins and food. A chocolate, ice cream and bananas as natural sources of endorphins are necessarily present in the diet of joy. Relaxing massage, yoga procedures, meditation will greatly remove pain stress and restore the inner harmony. Aromatherapy helps very well - citrus oil, especially grapefruit, raise mood and tone, and eucalyptus oils and melissa have a soothing effect.

Let your concern about yourself these days will be especially warm, and discomfort will remain in the past!

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